Monday 28 October 2013

Expectation vs Reality

Kadang kadang korang mesti pernah buat, harini aku nak ni.. nak buat tu... nak buat ni... acah acah ikut time table yang telah di setkan dalam mindset kita. Tapi itu hanya expectation.. Reality pergh 24jam tidoq rasanya kalau aku laaah. Hahahaaha. k tak lawak. 

Disamping itu, i want to story about my papers, pakyeee susah ya amat. walaupun baru 4 papers jawab. Ada 7 papers lagi. K fine. 

Thursday 24 October 2013

An Update

After a few months i ignore this page, i would like to continue what had i stopped before.. 
Macam lifeless gila blog aku ni, cerita ntah apa-apa. 

So, tomorrow is the most important day to me and the other matrician(macam machine pun ada) @ matrikians(?) to decide will us go further our study to the next semester or the "matrikians" title will ripped off.

I'm not taking a much pressure for sure, ain't targeting for 4flat, but just targeting to be in this matrics.

there's tips before you enter the exam hall/class :
1. Read Al-Fatihah
2. Surah Al-'Alaa (Anak kunci segala ilmu)


A marathon series update after finished my exam :* Hint : KMTK

Monday 6 May 2013

Capital C

Again, i wrote about another k- boy group. Haa~ My life is about Kpop. Hahahaa. What a me. Listening to Teen Top's Hello i write this post. Ceh.

My brand so last year admiration, C-Clown or their formal name Crown-Clown. Yeah. I fall in love with their song Solo last year. And now they're back with sh-sh-sh-shaking heart. My heart is shaking again. Wohoo. They're so freaking handsome boy group. Hell yeah, my babyzz XD. LOL

My fav is ROME, T.K the rapper and RAY  :D YAYY!

                                                             aren't them so handsome :3

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Capital B

From the first time we met, i thought it was destiny.

So so so, after this year comeback(on updating blog), i want to post something that i really want to post about. It's about my brand new rookie of last year. YEAY to me. This suppose to revealed last year. YEAY again to me. 

They really doesn't know the meaning of REST. From debut Warrior to the Power to the No Mercy goes to Crash and end up with  Stop It. This year, Rain sound and One shot. Like,, Seriously ?

So, my heart fluttering whenever i saw them (shows on tv, magazines, internet). Not really.  XD The only reason i was like "falling in love" with BAP just because my fav girl group evah. Secret!  Yes. The only main reason before i get along with BAP's shows blablablabla. Okay my first bias in BAP of course Yonggukie the Leader. Why him ? I fall in love ever since he duet with Song Jieun. His deep voice, melting me away. Ceh. Hahaha. After that my bias were Zelo. Ask me why? HE'S SO FACKING ADORABLE WITH HIS AGE THAT ISN'T MATCH WITH HIS HEIGHT. Sorry my caps. Ahaks!~ After that, my hearts went toward Daehyun. Yes, Busan wonbin. Well, probably Babyz know this kind of feeling. Instead of handsome, he's also good at singing suprisely good at talking too! Then day by day past by.. Youngjae, his daejae moments caught me up. His voice. His lips. His cheeks. I'm having too much of youngjae nowadays. Then i move to jongup. HE IS SO DORKY!! XD He is just Jongup. Himchannie, i'm sorry you haven't make me melt at you. XD But sure, i have.. someday! Wait for me! :3 BAP Fighting. I'm so glad they're popular and receive a lot of loves from sunbaes and fans! Now, they're finish promoting One Shot!

                                                  Aren't they grows up so well, aigoo aigoo~

Planning and Future

It's been a long time. People. I haven't post any ever since my post last September. Haktuihh.
Kononnyalah nak active berblog bagai. Hahaha. Okay tak lawak. 

So, aku nak cakaplah pasal result aku yang tak segempak mana, saja nak over sebab tak tahu nak post apa. Result SPM aku amatlah mengecewakan aku. I'm embrassed. Truthfully, memang result tak seperti yang aku harapkan. Lagi lagi subject yang slalu aku dapat A mengecewakan aku. Aku dapat 2A1A-1B+3B1C+1C1D . Takdelah segempak koranglah kann. Dan. Yang D tu aku sebenarnya bersyukur, sebab subject tu selalu aku dapat cukup makan malahan ada kalinya aku gagal. Yang geram tu, yang kat bahagian B dengan C tu. Tapi apa nak buat, mungkin result aku nilah membuatkan aku bangkit bersemangat untuk menerajui masa depan. Hahaha. Ok.

Jadi kisahnya, aku haritu check lah Matrikulasi punya website, sekalik aku dapat tawaran ke Kolej Matrikulasi Teknikal Kedah. Pergh aku punya gembira, taknak cakaplah. Hahaha. Tapi aku tak over punn(?) . Aku pun decide untuk accept tawaran ni. Aku nak tunggu upu, tapi kata hati aku suruh pergi Matrik ni. I trust my instinct. Ada kawan ke takde ke, bukan masalah bagi aku sebab i prefer to be alone. Tapi masalah aku kalau aku berkawan ni, mulalah palotak ni jadi malas belajar.  Okay taknak cakap banyak pasal ni. 
                                                        hodohnya aku edit
So, aku harap planning aku untuk masa depan aku ni tak salah, bagi aku biar susah dahulu, senang kemudian. I have to survive in this kind of men's living.